How were The Stargazer Lilies formed?
The Stargazer lily was created in 1978 by Leslie Woodriff, [2] a lily breeder in California. (from wikipedia).
Before the band was formed, was this the type of music you wanted to originally play? Or did your tastes gradually change? Have you always wanted to form a shoegaze band?
Well, we originally wanted to form a shoegaze/newgaze/dreampop/psychgaze/discogaze/noisepop/dreamgaze/electrogaze band but already had one, and we were also considering a noisegaze/dronegaze/postgaze/nogaze/crunkgaze/shitgaze/dazedgaze/gazepop etc. band but, we were ultimately looking for something a little different.
The Stargazer Lilies. Don't Waste My Time.
Which brings me to question number 3, do you consider The Stargazer Lilies a shoegaze band, roughly speaking?
No, roughly speaking we are the opposite of shoegaze...which is of course "stargaze".
Your music is ethereal, loud, ghostly, painfully sweet, almost erotic, and always magnificent. But that's just my opinion. If you had to describe your music, how would you describe it?
Exactly the way you did! But especially the erotic part.What is it that inspires you to create music?
God only knows. We love that song.
Each band has its own disc-shelf of influences. Can you name us three albums that have influenced you the most?
Mirrors in Your Eyes, Dichotomies & Dreamland, On High. [all Soundpool LPs]
As a band, what are you aiming for? What is it that you hope to achieve? Or, to put it more simply, what is the message you're trying to convey through your music?
God only knows...seriously this time!
Would you tell us a little about what you are currently into (bands, books, films, etc)?
My Bloody Valentine for all 3.
What do you think of modern shoegaze bands, and this recent shoegaze craze? Any favorites bands? Any comments?
Recent? You mean there was an older craze? We love Christy Romanick, Screen Vinyl Image, Dead Leaf Echo, Luxa, the Invisible Kid, Ulrich Schnauss, Me You Us Them, the Sky Drops, the Vandelles, Serena Maneesh, Pia Fraus, Ringo Deathstarr, Panda Riot, Auburn Lull, Ceremony, A Place to Bury Strangers, Chatham Rise, Fleeting Joys, Tears Run Rings, Monocle, All in the Golden Afternoon, Film School, Experimental Aircraft, The High Violets, Chapterhouse, Bowery Electric, Insect Guide, Resplandor, Telltale, Butterfly Explosion, Mansions and Junipers, Manual, Monster Movie, Nightmare Air, Broken Little Sister, Project Skyward, Airiel, Windy & Carl, Eau Claire, Memoryhouse, Loveless Music Group, Syntaks, the Fauns, If When, 28 degrees Taurus, Elika, 93 millionmilesfromthesun, Malory, Thrushes, Hypatia Lake, Tokyo Idaho, Asobi Seksu, the Depreciation Guild, Mahogany, etc. etc.
The Stargazer Lilies. Endless Days.
What is the most important piece of gear for your sound? And which is your most favorite?
John: For me it's my "organ". (Like I said, especially the erotic part!)
Kim: Ditto ;)
What is your philosophy, on life, that you live by, if any?
Fuck it all!