Dwayne Palasek (drums). All living in different cities, the band mainly creates their music by sharing individually recorded tracks over the internet and building from there. Tears Run Rings began garnering attention immediately with their blissed-out sound after their first release, A Question and An Answer EP (2007). Since then, they've only grown more prevalent in the dream pop scene, releasing two more highly regarded full length albums: Always, Sometimes, Seldom, Never in 2008, and Distance, which was just released in August 2010 (read Amber's recent review of the new album here). Their track "Mind the Wires" was featured in Gregg Araki's (The Doom Generation, Mysterious Skin) 2010 film Kaboom, which to this blog's mind is an incredible compliment, as Mr. Araki knows good music when he hears it, especially in the realms of shoegaze and dream pop. Matthew and Ed also run the record label Shelflife Records together, which includes

1. Can you tell us what you've been working on and what you've got forthcoming in the near future (recording, tour, etc)?

2. What sort of set up/gear do you use? What is the most important piece of gear for your "shoegaze" sound?

3. What shoegaze bands/artists have most influenced your work?
We're all over the board with our tastes really. We'll let Ed will take this one...
Ed: I've been trying to read Electronic Music Synthesis by Hubert Howe, but we use it more to kill spiders in the studio. As for bands... Korallreven, Ceremony, The Radio Dept., Caribou, Epic45, Seeland, Benoît Pioulard, Malory, Keith Canisius, Foxes in Fiction, Nicki Minaj. Films: Urban Explorers: Into the Darkness (documentary).
Ed: I've been trying to read Electronic Music Synthesis by Hubert Howe, but we use it more to kill spiders in the studio. As for bands... Korallreven, Ceremony, The Radio Dept., Caribou, Epic45, Seeland, Benoît Pioulard, Malory, Keith Canisius, Foxes in Fiction, Nicki Minaj. Films: Urban Explorers: Into the Darkness (documentary).
#1 If you're going to do something do it right.
#2 When you do something, you better do it right.
#3 If you've got the money, do it all the way.