WTSH Obsession of the Week:
Craft Spells. Gallery EP.
Craft Spells. Gallery EP.
Since I am prone to obsessing about things, especially musical things, it seems only fitting that WTSH will now start hosting my personal and official Obsession of the Week. Hey kids, it may not always be shoegaze related since I'm a total weirdo, infamous for tangents, but I will try my best to stay in the gaze.
This week, my bout of obsession revolves around Craft Spells' Gallery EP (Captured Tracks, May 2012). I love Idle Labor and quite frankly was a bit nervous to hear the next tunes from them - what if they didn't remain awesome!? What if I am disappointed?!?! Terrible questions. Well, I'm happy to report that I fucking adore this EP. I'm completely on board with their slight change in direction, too. Fans will know what I'm talking about. Digging their progress. Liking the production. The EP cover art kicks ass. The lyrics, the synths, the reverb, the guitar - goddamn it, this is an excellent EP. If you don't have it, GET IT.
This week, my bout of obsession revolves around Craft Spells' Gallery EP (Captured Tracks, May 2012). I love Idle Labor and quite frankly was a bit nervous to hear the next tunes from them - what if they didn't remain awesome!? What if I am disappointed?!?! Terrible questions. Well, I'm happy to report that I fucking adore this EP. I'm completely on board with their slight change in direction, too. Fans will know what I'm talking about. Digging their progress. Liking the production. The EP cover art kicks ass. The lyrics, the synths, the reverb, the guitar - goddamn it, this is an excellent EP. If you don't have it, GET IT.