New Weekly Feature: The Shoegaze Collective and WTSH team up!
The Shoegaze Collective is essentially a Facebook community devoted to, you guessed it: shoegaze and dream pop music. But it's a lot more than that: we post videos, we promote bands, it's a great resource for new and undiscovered music, and we go far beyond the general limits of what is considered to be shoegaze and dream pop in our discussions about music - it's a very interesting place to interact. The entire gazey operation is run by Mr. Paul Lopez, an all around awesome dude, AND a member of Spell 336 (who's gorgeous track "Silence" was on The First 100,000 Compilation).
But beyond that, we are also a network of enthusiastic friends who like to laugh and have a good time. Which brings me to my point: last week, someone (not sure who) decided we ought to post themed videos all day, and the theme was snow/ice. From that moment on, it was a race to see who could find the most obscure, the most entertaining, and the best fitting tunes with that theme in the title to post on The Shoegaze Collective's wall. At first we started off strictly shoegaze and dream pop, but of course we eventually delved into the realm of the quirky, the absurd, or the just plain strange, and ended up laughing our asses off all day. Basically, it was really fun, so Paul and I (and a few others) decided themed Fridays would now be a weekly event in TSC. We all got such a kick out of it that I had Paul choose his favorite posts of the first official themed Friday, which was July 29, and the theme was "rain". As you'll see, the videos are all over the place, which is what makes it so fun (and funny). So without further ado, here are this week's top videos, chosen by The Shoegaze Collective'sPaul Lopez:
Purple Rain by Prince: Posted by Kim Welsh.
Rain by Tones On Tail: Posted by William Faith.
Rain On Rooftops by Epic 45: Posted by Scarylady Sarah.
Rainmaker by Sparklehorse: Posted by Rob Turner.
Raindrop by Alison's Halo: Posted by Al Schenkel.
Rainbows by Cranes: Posted by Philly Peroxide.
The Rain Song by Led Zeppelin: Posted by Perry Pelonero.
Dry The Rain by The Beta Band: Posted by Dean Bromley.
Rainy Days And Mondays by The Carpenters: Posted by Amber Crain.
Who Can Stop The Rain by the Thompson Twins: Posted by Perry Pelonero.