Album Review:
Soft Moon | Deeper
Reviewed by Ellie Sleeper
Vasquez has arrived musically. Whatever listeners may have regarded The Soft Moon as previously, they would do well to forget. This is not because Vasquez
has drastically changed the band, but simply because his newest offering, aptly
titled Deeper, simply drips with such
confidence that it becomes hard for prior releases to compare. To be able to
live within one’s own shadow, to be able to assert oneself so flawlessly
musically, is a feat few musicians can achieve, and again the record is
start to finish, Deeper takes risks
that pay off exponentially. The most noticeable risk is that vocals are front
and center on every song, and heavy lyrics permeate now, as opposed to the
obscured notes and ideas of the past. Everything is clearer and punches are not
styles and structures are more scattered and less singular than on previous
albums, as well. The characteristic industrial pummeling of “Black” is followed
by the racing post-punk of “Far”. “Wasting” drifts in a certain gauzy splendor
that would fit neatly along Xymox’s best or Disintegration-era
songs by The Cure, and “Without” is a very uncharacteristic piano-driven
number. All of these pieces fit together very neatly in a package that is at
once both expansive and cohesive.
successes, victories, and artistic bravery do not, however, mean that the sense
of paranoia and existential crisis have left the music. Vasquez lyrically
wrestles with his demons throughout the songs, with the most common theme being
a lack of control of one’s fate and circumstances. It’s heavy material at every
turn, but instantly engaging too. Others may render such somber material in
dour or clichéd ways, but it is only ever believable and striking on Deeper. If the lyrics are to be believed
at face value, Vasquez is in agony, but it is an intimately relatable, gripping
more perfect example of said agony exists than the closing three minutes of
“Being”, the album’s penultimate track. A maelstrom of distorted screams,
echoes, and synthesized noise, the song’s apocalyptic climax is painful and
annihilating, but so cathartic all the same. Therein lies the appeal of the new
face of The Soft Moon; Vasquez has delivered his devotees unparalleled
catharsis, and it is an awe-inspiring experience.
Standouts – “Far”, “Wrong”, and “Being”

Goes Great With:
Extra Author’s Note
witnessed them live on this tour, I cannot recommend them enough. Just as they’ve improved on the record, the
live show has made exponential leaps too. They are truly something to behold.
Dates at: http://www.thesoftmoon.com/shows.html
Dates at: http://www.thesoftmoon.com/shows.html