Come join me this evening for the Special Edition Protogaze When The Sun Hits show on Strangeways Radio, co-hosted with Danny Lackey, co-creator of this very blog, as well as a member of Deepfieldview. When The Sun Hits is one full hour of distilled shoegazey goodness and tonight we're spinning tracks that we think influenced and preceded shoegaze and dream pop music (hence the "proto" ... yeah, we made up that word, so?). Black out the windows, grab your headphones, and go down the rabbit hole tonight on Strangeways Radio.
Don't forget to log in to the Strangeways chatroom during the show to hang out with me and many other awesome people while we talk about the music that is airing in real time and god knows what else...
Tune in live every Wednesday, 10pm-11pm (EST), for When The Sun Hits on Strangeways Radio. Join us in the Strangeways chat room for additional entertainment!