At this time, we would like to take a moment to speak out on behalf of one of our comrades. Danny Lackey, co-founder of when The Sun Hits, has been struggling with brain and lung cancer for over a year. As you can imagine, this is a very expensive disease to fight and we would like to help. Amber, his partner in When The Sun Hits, has organized a fundraiser to help raise money for Danny's medical expenses (see below)
Strangeways would like to help as well. for this entire week, we will donate 100% of the proceeds of sales of The English Way to Amber's fundraiser. By purchasing the compilation, you will not only get a great collection of music, but you will directly help Danny fight his battle.
Strangeways was built on the basis of community. We love our brother/sister blog sites and when they are down, we will do our part to pick them up. Please consider helping out as we are sure, whether you realize it or not, you have at one point in time been a recipient of a story/blog/article or music recommendation via Danny through his When The Sun Hits site.
Strangeways Radio