1. Can you tell us what you've been working on and what you've got forthcoming in the near future (recording, tour, etc?)?
Daniel Land & the Modern Painters. Lostening.
Well, the first Daniel Land & The Modern Painters album came out at the end 2009, so once we'd released and toured that album, 2010 ended up being more about having time out to do outside projects and things like that. But the main priority for 2011 is the work on the second Daniel Land & The Modern Painters record, which I hope will be a really strong return. A really good record label approached us and asked if they could release it, so I think it's really important to get it just right. There are various tunes for it in half-completed states and I've been writing lyrics for most of the year, on and off, so we're just beginning to get a sense of what the shape of that record might be. We've met a great sound engineer who's going to be working with us to "up" the production values overall, and we've got a couple of studios available (in addition to home studios) so it's all looking very positive.

2. What sort of set up/gear do you use? What is the most important piece of gear for your "shoegaze" sound?

Engineers. In Praise of More.
3. What shoegaze bands/artists (or whoever) have most influenced your work?
If we're talking shoegaze bands I'd say it almost entirely begins and ends with the Cocteau Twins, to be honest with you! I listened to almost nothing but the Cocteaus for about two years when I was a teenager and it obviously had a deep effect. Later on, I discovered Slowdive and loved them, and then more recently through Ulrich Schnauss I was introduced to the band Sway from California - The Millia Pink & Green EP was very influential to me around the time of making Voss. Other than that, I don't spend a lot of time listening to shoegaze, to be honest. I listen to a lot of bands like Sun Kil Moon and Mojave 3, and some of the great solo artists like Peter Gabriel and Brian Eno. And a lot of world music.
4. Tell us a little about what you are currently into (bands, books, films, etc)?

I've had two very major literary phases running concurrently recently - one is Virginia Woolf, who I'm reading all over again for the first time since I was 19 or so. I read pretty much everything she'd written in about 18 months when I was younger, and it's been a delight to rediscover all of that. I'm also reading my way through a lot of Anthony Burgess's books, starting with the epics like Any Old Iron and Earthly Powers and moving on to some of the more obscure ones that fell out of print, like Beard's Roman Women and Abba Abba.
Aside from this, I've got a kind of fascination with the Clinton years, so I've been reading some of the excellent political books about that time - particularly Robert Reich's Locked In The Cabinet and also David Brock's Blinded by The Right, which is an excellent mea-culpa written by somebody involved in smearing the Clinton presidency. Regardless of where you stand politically, it's a fascinating document of the times.

Both, hopefully. But probably not until any new material is released, whenever that is.
6. Do you consider what you are doing "shoegaze"?
Yes and no. With regards to the Painters, I guess I see that as writing good, simple songs and then presenting them within a shoegaze context. That's a slightly different approach I think. I'd like to think the ultimately I could present my songs totally stripped down, voice-and-acoustic-guitar treatment, and they'd still be effective, and it'd be nice do something acoustic-y like that in the future actually, when there's time. The next Painters album though will be combining the shoegaze elements with a whole range of other influences so I'm not really sure we can call it "shoegaze" any more...
Engineers. How Do You Say Goodbye.
Engineers. How Do You Say Goodbye.
7. What do you think of modern shoegaze/dream pop artists, any favorites?

I also like the kind of dream-pop bands who exhibit really strong songwriting skills - bands like Sway and Ask For Joy, and the band Orange Yellow Red, from the south of England. I think that quality of songwriting in those bands is excellent. There's probably a few more but I find it hard to think of them off the top of my head.
8. What is your philosophy (on life), if any, that you live by?

And recently I feel like my whole outlook on life has changed anyway... the big lyrical inspiration behind the forthcoming second Painters album was the break-up of a long-term relationship that happened in a couple of years ago, and then another relationship which quickly followed that - at the same time I've been spending a year in therapy dealing with some unresolved things, and the result of all these things has been a big change in my outlook on life, a process of trying to change and improve how I relate to other people. It's made me more resolved to live life in a humble, grounded, and genuine way, and ultimately the hope is that this change reflects in my lyrics and in the kind of work we (or I) produce...
I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's a bit like that Blue Nile ideal - the idea of living a life that is down to earth and "normal" by almost every standard, and that by doing so, you're going to create music that has real empathy in it, a type compassion that's very consoling to the listener. It's all I think about really...